Natural Hazard Disclosure Information |
Assembly Bills AB6 of 1997, AB 1195 of 1998 and AB 248 of 1999, require sellers and their agents to provide prospective buyers with a "Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement" if a residential property is within any of the following six hazardous areas as defined in the legislation: Further information on any of the referenced bills or codes may be obtained from: Official California Legislative Information |
Natural Hazard | Relevant Law | Data Source | Map (JPG) |
Map (PDF) |
Special Flood Hazard Areas Areas within the 100-year flood zone |
Government Code Section 8589.3 |
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
Areas of Potential Flooding Areas subject to flooding due to dam failure |
Government Code Section 8589.4 |
California State Office of Emergency Services San Joaquin County Office of Emergency Services |
Very High Fire Hazard Severity Areas of very high fire hazards |
Government Code Section 51183.5 |
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
Wildland Fire Areas Areas of state responsibility for wildland fire protection and suppression |
Public Resources Code Sections 4125, 4142, 4291 |
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
Earthquake Fault Zones Alquist-Priolo earthquake fault zones |
Public Resources Code Sections 2621.9 |
California Department of Conservation California Geological Survey |
*None | * |
Seismic Hazard Zones Areas subject to strong ground shaking, liquefaction, landslides |
Public Resources Code Sections 2694 |
California Department of Conservation California Geological Survey |
*None | * |
* For both Earthquake Fault Zones and Seismic Hazard Zones, San Joaquin County is not currently listed as affected, thus no maps are available. |
Disclaimer: These maps are based on the most current information available to San Joaquin County Community Development Geographic Information Systems at the time of publication. They are based on data obtained from external sources. The County of San Joaquin does not warrant its accuracy or suitability for any particular purpose. The information on these maps is not intended to replace engineering, financial or primary records research. |
Further Availability: A set of large format printed maps is available for public viewing during normal business hours at: San Joaquin County Community Development Department 1810 E. Hazelton Ave Stockton, CA 95205 Printed copies of these maps may be obtained from San Joaquin County Community Development in a variety of sizes for a nominal fee to cover materials and processing. Certain maps may also be available from FEMA by calling 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). Posted August 5, 2004, pursuant to: Civil Code Section 1102.6b(3) Government Code Sections 8589.5(f) and 51178.5 Pubic Resource Code Sections 2622(d), 2696(c), and 4125(c) |